Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Welcome To Rosenthal Collectibles

Hello everyone, welcome to Rosenthal Collectibles, where you will find a lot of information about collecting coins, stamps, antiques, and many other interesting items.  This site also showcases some websites that I have developed for collectible dealers in the past.  As many of you may already figure out by the tabs, I do develop dealer sites.  If you have an established coin or stamp business and do not have a website, but want one, than contact me today and we can discuss your options.  As the number one problem for many dealers is that they just do not know how to market themselves and get more clients to buy their items.  I know how to market their business since I have been collecting coins and stamps for over 10 years and can understand that sometimes it is just difficult to make a sale.  But with my help and expertise, one will be promoted all over the web and eventually they will have national sales.  That is all I have to say for now and if you are interested in a future website, drop me a call or email me and I will make sure to contact you back as soon as I can.


Rosenthal Collectibles

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